If you want a relaxing and classy way to spend an afternoon with your honey, it may be time to head to your nearest winery. We have one about seven miles away and it has become one of our favorite destinations for an afternoon together. These days many wineries are no longer warehouses surrounded by acres and acres of grape vines. Many locations now offer wine tours, wine tastings and various festivals & events throughout the year. Our particular winery near us holds roughly one event per month and usually includes food vendors, live entertainment, tours and tastings among other things such as car shows, art festivals and grape stomps.

For those of you not quite into the wine thing, it is indeed an acquired taste, but the atmosphere alone can be very relaxing and you never know who you will meet. Many couples meet other couples at these type of events and friendships have been made and lasted for years. Finding other couples with similar interests can often be quite refreshing.
We know of two particular couples who met, hit it off and now spend most weekends and some vacations together. The four of them recently went on a trip to Ireland together, seeing the sights, making memories and are now planning additional vacations together as well. For some people, extending your family into new friendships can bring your personal life and happiness to a whole new level, thereby increasing your happiness within your own personal relationship as well.
If you don't really care for wine, but your honey enjoys it, or vice versa, having a winery on your agenda just might open the door to new possibilities in your relationship. How so you might ask? Consider this...

At first you may not care for the winery experience or they might not enjoy your selected event, but you both will be compromising in your relationship and you never know what might happen from there. You could eventually become a wine connoisseur or your honey might eventually take up fantasy football! It's a proven fact, the more we partake in an activity favorable to our partner, the higher the odds are we might learn to tolerate the experience a little better if not actually begin to enjoy it. As if that's not enough, enjoying activities favorable to your honey will almost certainly increase your odds of having a wonderful Bunny Up Moment later that evening! So tell me, what other reason might you need other than that???