The Workout Date is not for everyone, but then again, what is? For those of you currently engaged in, or at the very least somewhat interested in getting in shape, The Workout Date just might do wonders for your relationship. We could go on and on over the benefits of getting in shape, staying in shape, the boost to your personal confidence, increased sexual attraction and desire, etc, etc, etc. Get the point???

For those of you willing to put for some effort and reap serious rewards in the process, getting in shape is one thing, but getting in shape as a couple is a whole different level! Many relationship experts claim that if you see your spouse changing their habits, diets, clothing and exercise routines, these changes could be red flags for your relationship. Some believe this is an indication your spouse might be trying to improve their appearance to catch the attention of someone they know or someone they don't quite know yet.
We would be foolish to claim this scenario does not exist, but we would be just as foolish to dismiss the possibilities that some people just want to feel better about themselves and they have finally decided to do something about it. Regardless of the scenario at hand, if you start having Workout Dates with your honey, you will be spending more time with them, you will both get in better shape, you will both begin to look and feel better and your sexual activity is almost guaranteed to increase as well. Do we really need to explain any further? Probably not, so we'll cover some other details regarding Workout Dates.
One of your biggest challenges regarding Workout Dates will no doubt be scheduling. Of course, any couple which is not currently independently wealthy will have this issue and if you have children, your scheduling conflicts will be magnified at least tenfold. One thing you should carefully consider is if you and your honey are morning people, afternoon people, evening people, late night people, a combination thereof. With a little luck, the two of you are similar with respect to you are both morning people, both late night people, or something that works well together. Once you figure out what schedules work for you, you should then determine what physical activity you should engage in together. Mix it up a bit with several different types of activities that the two of you would enjoy doing together. You want your Workout Dates to be something you both enjoy and look forward to doing together, not something either one of you dread on a regular basis.
As you both get into a routine of frequent Workout Dates, change things up from time to time to keep things fresh. Weight training, swimming, running, cycling, racquetball, rollerblading and a whole series of physical activities are available for couples seeking Workout Dates together. In addition to spending much needed quality time together, you have a better chance of having your fitness regimen stick. Having your partner there with you will make you more likely interested in going rather than making excuses not to go. You won't feel like you are missing out on time with your partner and you won't be building resentment within your relationship by always leaving for the gym or other activity without them. You will also be more inclined to give your best effort into your workout when your partner is there watching you.
So now that you understand some of the many benefits of having Workout Dates with your partner, get them onboard, agree to a schedule and activity and get busy!